Recently, our fashion team embarked on a unique creative journey, far removed from our usual design routines. Guided by our project leader Larry, we delved into the vibrant world of art and screen printing—a workshop designed to unleash our creativity and explore new avenues in fashion design.
Larry kicked things off with a brief introduction to the basics of art and screen printing. He covered everything from the types of screens and inks used to the techniques that would help transform our ideas into wearable art.
Each of us—Michael, Kevin, Daniel, and Dylan—chose a personal design to work on. It was fascinating to see the variety of designs we came up with, each reflecting our individual styles and personalities. The hands-on experience was incredibly empowering. There’s something magical about watching your design come to life, layer by layer, color by color.
The moment of truth came when we finally got to press our designs onto shirts, we carefully aligned our screens, applied the ink, and hoped for the best. One by one, we revealed our creations, each shirt a testament to our creativity and Larry's excellent guidance.
This workshop wasn't just about learning a new skill. It was a reminder of the importance of stepping back from the digital world and engaging directly with materials. For us, it reinforced the value of teamwork and the endless possibilities that come with a bit of ink and a lot of imagination.
As we each held up our finished shirts, it was clear that this workshop had been more than just a learning experience—it was a celebration of creativity, a truly enriching chapter in our journey as a fashion brand.
Stay tuned for more creative adventures from our team!